Apple launched the $399 Apple Watch Series 7 at its product launch on September 14. Apple Watch Series 7 is equipped with a larger screen, faster charging and a more durable design. The new Apple Watch is a lightweight update to Series 6, which is perfect for people who want to replace a watch that has been used for many years. Let’s take a look at its new features!
Equipped with QWERTY keyboard
It takes advantage of a larger screen that is about 20% larger than Series 6, allowing you to type like on a mobile phone.
How to use: The QWERTY keyboard of Apple Watch Series 7 allows you to tap each key to input, or use Apple's QuickPath function to slide between letters without lifting your finger. You still want to use your phone to receive messages that are longer than short sentences, but it’s usually easier to use your watch to send text messages. The QWERTY keyboard makes it easier to send longer and more complex messages that are not convenient for graffiti or too private to be dictated.
The large screen on Apple Watch Series 7 improves readings
The screen of Apple Watch Series 7 is about 20% larger than Series 6. The frame that makes up the screen frame is also 40% smaller than Series 6, which allows Apple to expand the screen size without making the device larger.
How you will use it: The larger screen of Series 7 makes it perform better in the most important tasks: it displays information at a glance so you don't have to pick up your phone. The larger screen means that Series 7 can display 50% more text without scrolling, making it easier to read text messages, emails, and notifications. Apple has also updated the user interface in its apps to make better use of the larger screen. Apps like stopwatches, activities, and timers now have larger buttons, which means you can snooze more easily even when you’re half asleep. You can also get a specific watch face optimized for the larger Series 7 display.
Brighter screen in always-on mode
According to Apple, when your wrist is down, the brightness of the Apple Watch Series 7 screen in always-on mode can be increased by up to 70%. However, Apple specifically stated that this is suitable for indoor use.
How to use: The increased brightness of Series 7 means that it is easier to view information such as the time, event ringing, and next meeting without waking up the watch’s screen. To use this feature, you need to make sure that the always-on display setting is turned on in the settings menu of your Apple Watch. On the app screen of Apple Watch, press the settings icon, scroll down to Display and Brightness, and tap Always on. From there, make sure to turn on the switch next to "Always On." Note: If you want to maximize battery life, you can also choose to turn off this feature, and Apple has not yet stated whether a brighter, always-on screen will affect the power consumption of the watch.
Apple Watch Series 7 charges faster than Series 6
The battery life of Apple Watch Series 7 is as long as that of Series 6, but the time required to charge the watch has decreased. According to Apple, the charging speed of Apple Watch Series 7 is 33% faster than Apple Watch Series 6. It takes 45 minutes to charge from zero to 80%, and 8 minutes of charging should be able to achieve 8 hours of sleep tracking.
How to use it: For years, we have been asking Apple Watch to extend battery life, but now Apple has added native sleep tracking to its smartwatch, which is especially important. Apple did not extend the battery life of the watch, but made it easier to quickly charge the watch during a short window throughout the day.
Bottom line: The faster charging speed of Apple Watch Series 7 is another way Apple is trying to make its smartwatch a more powerful sleep tracker. In addition to making Series 7 easier to charge at a critical juncture, Apple also added the ability to measure breathing rate during sleep through the WatchOS 8 update.
Apple Watch Series 7 has a more powerful structure
Series 7 is more suitable for outdoor activities, because Apple claims it has a more durable structure. Apple Watch Series 7 has a dust-proof rating of IP6X and uses a crystal case coating. Apple says its thickness is 50% thicker than Apple Watch Series 6. This means you will feel at ease when you wear it to the beach or during a hike.
The enhanced durability of Series 7 is perfectly matched with the new riding features in WatchOS 8. The new software brings an updated version of fall detection, and Apple said it can distinguish the difference between a fall from a bicycle and different types of accidents. Apple also said that WatchOS 8 can automatically detect outdoor cycling exercises.
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