Apple unveiled the iPhone SE 2022 earlier this year. The new iPhone is Apple's low-cost product for the global market. The base 64GB model of the iPhone SE 3 (aka iPhone SE 5G) features the A15 Bionic chip, which is also present in the iPhone 13 series. While the phone uses the latest chips from Apple, it uses the same old design as the iPhone 7 series. For the upcoming iPhone SE 4, Apple is said to introduce some design changes.
According to tipster Jon Prosser (via), the upcoming iPhone SE 4 will have the same form factor as the iPhone XR. Apple no longer officially sells the XR, but if the SE 4 shares its design language, we might see it finally have a larger display.
iPhone SE 4 design details revealed
Prosser shared these details on a podcast called Geared Up with Andru Edwards and Jon Rettinger. The tipster claims that Apple will finally say goodbye to the original SE design, which was inspired by the iPhone 5s. The upcoming SE 4, whenever it launches, will be more or less the iPhone XR in design.
That means the cheap iPhone might say goodbye to the thick bezels around the display, and it also includes a Touch ID home button. The SE 4 also gets Face ID, which will be the first in the series. Of course, the shrinking bezels also mean the display will get bigger at 6.1 inches. In case you're wondering, no, the SE 4 is unlikely to feature an OLED display, and Apple will likely supply an LCD for the device.
If the SE 4 is also a rebooted iPhone XR, that would also mean that the phone could offer better battery life. The best features of the iPhone XR include its long-lasting battery life that easily provides a day's worth of power. By contrast, the SE 2022's reputation isn't quite as high. Apple claims the SE 3 offers up to 15 hours of video playback. In actual use, however, the battery life is unlikely to live up to claims.
Design changes could boost SE sales
The SE 2022 has reportedly been underperforming in terms of Apple's sales. One reason could be the old design. Like the iPhone 13 mini, the iPhone SE also offers a small display. While the form factor is the same, the 13 mini offers more screen real estate, which makes it more conducive to content consumption. The SE's 4.7-inch screen combined with poor battery life may not be as attractive to buyers despite its relatively low price.
The XR is one of the best-selling smartphones in the world. The large display, long battery life, and relatively affordable price are said to be drivers of XR sales. Assuming the SE 4 is affordable, it could help Apple regain some market share in the sub-$500 market. The entry-level model of the upcoming iPhone 14 series is expected to be priced at $799. Although the timeline for the upcoming SE 4 is unclear. We can expect it to launch in March 2023, if not sooner.
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